About Rudius Quest Coaching

Rudius Quest is about taking on life in a way that creates freedom from limiting beliefs and a life of fulfillment. The inspiration for Rudius Quest came from the movie “Gladiator” in 2000. The movie describes a “rudius” as a wooden sword. A gift from the Emperor of Rome to a gladiator who has won his freedom through his battles in the great arena.

Rudius Quest coaching is based on the idea that each one of us is a gladiator in our own arena of life. It is up to us to fight for our freedom. Freedom from self-doubt, limiting beliefs and self-imposed suffering.

I’ve used this inspiration to create Rudius Quest Coaching to bring my methods to the modern day gladiator, YOU. Too often we find ourselves a slave to a life we may not have necessarily chosen. Through facing our fears as well as our deepest true sense of self, we can create the life we have always dreamed of.

Meet Chad

Chad Elbert, Owner of Rudius Quest Coaching
Chad Elbert, Certified Executive and Life Coach

A moderately successful middle management American man with a family, a stable career, and a thirst for more. In 2010, I made a scary decision after 18 years of being in the workforce to go back to college and pursue a Masters in Management degree in the evenings. This one brave decision to step out of my comfort zone has led to a continued thirst for knowledge and now a thirst for inspiring, motivating, and teaching others to reach for what they really want in life. Since completing the MiM degree in 2014, I’ve completed a year-long Advanced Leadership Program from Sustainable Leadership Consultants in 2016. In 2017 I completed Discovery, Breakthrough, and the VIP Emotional Intelligence programs from Next Level Trainings in Columbus, OH.

From there the quest continued. In the Fall of 2018 I left my corporate career and moved full time into coaching and consulting. Rudius Quest became Rudius Quest LLC and I continued learning from the best. I’m now a Certified Professional Coach with The American School of Professional Coaching and an Associate Certified Coach with the International Coaching Federation.

It is my belief that taking one’s self on and working toward true self-awareness is how we grow to where we can see each other for who we are, willing to take risks and celebrate failure, and able to create win-win situations where we love more than hate.
