“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

Viktor Frankl

Begin Your Quest for Personal Freedom

Welcome to Rudius Quest Coaching

Our mission is to build a community of people around the world working to reach new levels of personal freedom.

The Gladiators of ancient Rome were presented with a wooden sword, a Rudius, upon winning their freedom from slavery. This is the premise of our name. We are all on a quest throughout our lives to reach new levels of freedom, each time we win our Rudius.

Rudius Quest Coaching with Chad Elbert


From Our Blog

A brief story of perfectionism and massive change.

You may have noticed, or maybe not, that it has been nearly one year between blog posts. Maybe, you are new to the sight and just didn’t look at the dates of the blog posts. Yes, this post is early May 2019 and the prior post was June 2018. Maybe you wondered if I had...

What is your Legacy?

Why envisioning your legacy matters. Advice to the young, as you age, it is unavoidable to see your mortality as a principle that cannot be violated. With every passing year, the amount of time available seems to disappear, only making the end seem closer. Now this article is not about doom and gloom, it is...

A perspective on Flow.

The first time I was introduced to the term “Flow” was reading The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes. In his chapter on Champions Mindset, he describes the flow state and how it has shown up in his life and the careers of other champions in sport. This was a key in his analysis of...

What is it that you really want? What is that thing you dream of completing that haunts you? ~ Move past your self-limiting beliefs to live the life of your dreams. Connect with us now to start your quest.